Monday, 29 November 2010


A spreadsheet is a GPP used to hold data/information and perform calculations using formulas.

A spreadsheet is made up of cells organised into Columns (Up and Doon!) and Rows ("along the way" left to right)

Simple Formulas

= A3 * B3
= A3 / B3
= A3 + b2 + b6
= a3 - b2


= sum(B1:b5) - adds up the range of cells B1 to B5
= max(b2:d7) - selects the highest number(!) from range of cells
= min(D3:d8) - selects the lowest number
= average(D4:d8) - calculates the average number from the range

=if(D3>10, "Yes", "No")
=if(D3>10, "Yes", if(D3<=10, "Maybe", "No"))

Replication - means copying (formulas!) and there are two types

Absolute - uses dollar symbols and the formula doesn't change when replicated
e.g $B$9 - stays $B$9 when replicated

Relative - changes to suit the new cells (the cell references update for new cells)
e.g B9 * C9 replicated down a column changes to C9 * D9

We can change the attributes of cells to - currency, percentage, decimals etc and change how many decimals it displays

Cell Protection - allows us lock cells and stop them being changed
highlight all the cells
right click choose format, cells, protection and unchecked locked
highlight the important cells
right click choose format, cells, protection and checked locked
then choose format, cells, protection and protect sheet

We can highlight and sort data in our spreadsheet
To get something in alphabetical order we could sort in Ascending Order
To get something in reverse order of age we could sort in Descending Order

To only print a specific piece from a spreadsheet we could SET THE PRINT AREA

Spreadsheets also allow us to make charts to visualise and compare information really quickly

Charts can be Fully Labelled - with these 4 labels, Title, X Axis, Y Axis and Key

Tuesday, 2 November 2010


Spreadsheets is an example of a GPP which is used for calculations

A spreadsheet is made up of small boxes called cells

We can insert 3 things into these - Number, Formulas and Text

A Horizontal "Range" of cells is called a Row

A Vertical "Range" of cells is called a Column

5 functions which we can enter into a cell are

= average
= max
= min
= sum
= IF!

We can replicate formulas into other cells - replicate means COPY!

Two types of replication are Relative Referencing and Absolute Referencing!