Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Robots ...

5 parts of the Robot Arm
end effector (tool!)

Tools it uses
Spray Paint
Suction cup
welding bit
screw driver

Two types of Robot

Mobile - can move around
Three types of guidance for these
Magnetic - follows buried metal wires, if you want to change the layout you need to dig it all up
Laser -
Light - follows a painted white line by reflecting light - line could be affected by dirt etc!

Stationary - stay in the one place

Monday, 3 October 2011

Automated Systems

Automated Systems
What are Automated Systems
Humans provide the input
Machine/Robot/system carries out the process
Provides the output

Auto Sys in the home

* washing machine
* cameras
* sky +
* stereos
* microwaves
* dishwashers
* tumble dryers

Auto Sys in industry
* car manufacture
* coca cola factory
* irn bru factory
* tunnocks
* wool factory

Reasons why we use Auto Sys
* they are re-programmable
* faster than humans
* can work longer, 24/7
* do boring jobs
* more accurate than humans
* can do dangerous jobs